Why should students measure their IQ scores?

Many students want to recognize their skills and the best careers path in which they can be successful.

If you know your talents and skills soon, you’ll focus on a specific branch of science, sport, art, etc., and you’ll definitely reach success sooner.

One of the most important items that show your talents is IQ.

In this article, we’ll explain what IQ is and why it is important for students, especially those who want to get scholarships.

What is the purpose of an IQ test?

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a test that assesses a person’s ability to solve problems and reason critically. IQ exams are used to assess this capacity, and your IQ score determines your level of brilliance.

If we want to explain it more, your IQ represents both fluid and crystallized intelligence. In comparison to persons of your age, your IQ score reflects how well you do on various mental activities.

This is a strategy for evaluating your mental aptitude to that of a peer group that is standardized.

Fortunately, there are many online platforms that let you measure your IQ for free. IQ EXAM, for example, is one of the best free online IQ tests.

IQ vs. experience in students’ success

The question is how influential the IQ score is and whether it is more important than experience.

If you can answer this question correctly, you will be able to make an excellent hiring selection.

What would you do if you had a candidate with a high IQ but no prior experience in the subject area? Even if they have a high IQ, their brain will be unable to grasp the domain because it lacks the required connections.

This implies they’ll have to recollect appropriate phases and procedures, much like someone with a lower IQ who also lacks relevant experience.

What if someone with a lower IQ has relevant childhood experience, on the other hand?

You must strike a balance between these two elements, depending on the vacancy. Consider someone with a lower IQ who has spent their whole life studying at home vs. someone with a higher IQ who has spent their entire lives selling products and dealing with customers.

In this case, the applicant with a lower IQ is more likely to succeed in sales, marketing, and customer service positions.

While the younger applicants with higher IQs have more potential, they lack the experience needed to turn that potential into skill. An IQ test is unhelpful in identifying the top achievers in these conditions.

As a result, you must exercise caution when confronted with such a circumstance.

IQ scores of different age groups

It goes without saying that the IQ score should be interpreted differently depending on the age group. Here’s how to do it:

  • The average IQ score for 16-17 years old is 108.
  • For 18-19 years old, the average IQ score is 105.
  • For 20-24 years old, the average IQ score is 99.
  • For 24-34 years old, the average score is 97.
  • For 35-44 years old, the average IQ score is 101.
  • For 45-54 years old, the average IQ score is 106.
  • For 54-64 years old, the average score is 109.
  • For 65-69 years old, the average score is 119

As a result, you must pay attention to the test results and compare them to the average IQ score for the appropriate age group.

Advantages and disadvantages of testing your IQ

Now, it’s good to know some benefits of measuring students’ IQ scores.

Advantage #1: Useful Diagnostic Method

Psychologists have attempted to characterize intrinsic intelligence and come up with techniques to evaluate it that do not rely on learned information, instead of assessing mental processing speed, working memory, and reasoning ability.

Advantage #2: Recognizing ingenuous students

Boredom and dissatisfaction in school are common among children with above-average intrinsic intellectual talents, which can turn them off and lead to problems in achievement and behavioral aspects.

Disadvantage #1: Tests are prone to bias

Designing a major assessment that is independent of learning and culture is extremely difficult. For decades, test designers and specialists have wrestled with this aspect.

Some tests are designed to avoid this problem by measuring intelligence independently of language ability.

However, many mainstream assessments still favor those who are fluent in the testing language or have a solid foundation of general knowledge.

Disadvantage #2: Labeling can also be harmful

When someone, especially a kid, is assigned a number that is thought to be an accurate reflection of his natural potential, difficulties might arise. Those who are deemed “talented” may acquire an exaggerated self-image, leading them to put up less effort or look down on others.

Disadvantage #3: They don’t test all types of skills

Since the 1980s, an increasing number of educators and psychologists have embraced theories of multiple intelligence, which claim that a person’s musical, intrapersonal, or kinetic abilities are just as important as their verbal or mathematical abilities.