5 PROVEN Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Do you know? Almost 80% to 95% of college students are procrastinators. Among them, more than 60% of students do chronic procrastinating. In turn, it affects their grades and their willingness to progress in the academic setting. Furthermore, because of procrastination, you will see students giving late submissions, unable to meet deadlines.  

Moreover, procrastination leads to completing work on the eleventh hour, leading to poor research work. Eventually, that increases plagiarism content in the paper, and you won’t get more than 40 marks. That further decreases your chances of getting into college and later your progression to the work life.  

Therefore, you need to look at the next section to come out of the procrastination phase to complete your coursework. We will give you tips on how to overcome the feat.  

As discussed earlier, procrastination has been a growing issue for modern students as it seeks to stop them from doing productive work. Hence, they lag behind other students, fail to succeed in college and build a smooth transition to the work sector. Consequently, breaking that phase at its base is important without letting it grow into you.  

According to the paper writing service Fresh Essays, here are a few ways to stop procrastination and become productive –  

Acceptance Is Key 

One of the first ways to stop procrastination is to agree with the fact that you procrastinate. Recognition is the first step to becoming productive and dealing with all your coursework-related work. In other words, you need to let go of all the unnecessary work and focus on your priorities. That way, you can reduce procrastination and be a productive person.  

For this, you can keep a to-do list with a list with you where you can detail what you need to do throughout the day. Hence, you will prioritize the high-priority tasks and then complete it within time. With a to-do list, you should allocate time to it; then, you will work hard and not just be lazy throughout and go through social media. Consequently, you will see a major change and improvement in your way of working.  

Find Reasons For Your Laziness  

To treat the disease, you need to find the root cause of the problem and then work on it. Similarly, in terms of procrastination, you should do the same. You explore the reason for laziness and build a proper case. Then, you can work on it to improve and rectify your performance.  

You can identify the reasons, like poor organization skills, which affect how you sort out the tasks throughout the day. It is not like you have to be a perfectionist, but you should sort your tasks in hierarchical order. For example, you can make a list of high-priority and low-priority tasks. That way, you can increase your class grades and prepare yourself for college and work.  

Implement A Strategy To Overcome Procrastination  

One of the things that you should do is create a strategy to overcome procrastination and become productive. It is important for students to implement a strategy that will usher in a good academic score. Furthermore, it will reduce the occurrence of any procrastination issues in terms of completing your coursework.  

Here is how you can do it –  

Commitment to the task: Once you commit to the task, don’t get up until you complete the task. You can make your coffee or chat with your friends later. Once you do it, you will see that you can easily complete high-priority tasks easily.  

Keep a reward for yourself: When you begin a task, keep a reward for yourself, like going to Starbucks for a coffee or buying yourself a pizza. That way, you can program your mind to complete the task in time and get the reward. You will see it feels good after hours of doing hard work. Furthermore, when you complete your tasks, you will have time for other things.  

Stay away from smartphones: Before you start working, you need to keep your phone in the other room. It is the biggest form of distraction, as you will receive messages and notifications from social media. That way, you will become distracted from your work, and eventually, you won’t be able to complete your work. So, keep your phones away from you while you study.  

Use Digital Tools To Manage Time  

Another way you can get your help is through digital tools. Today, there are various time-management tools that can help you reduce procrastination and enable you to manage your time. You can set a timer while you do a certain task. It will enable you to work faster to complete the task on time.  

For this, you can use applications like Trello and Togg. They will help you to become organized and divide your time as per priority and toughness. This way, you can add time management skills to your list and become a better student. Consequently, you will build a path to great success and good grades in the class.  

Take A Course  

Another way to stop procrastination is to undertake a project management course where you will learn how to use resources to manage your time. This way, you will get a broader perspective on how to sort your time per task. Furthermore, the course will teach you accountability, which is necessary to complete the task before the deadline and ease up your life.  

Therefore, you can go to Coursera or Udemy to undertake a project management course. There, you can learn a lot about time management and then complete your tasks in order. Also, you will have time to review your tasks and submit high-quality work to get an A+ on the paper.   

The Bottom Line  

In the end, we can agree to the fact. that procrastination leads to a decrease in academic grades and reduces your chance to prosper in the educational institution. Therefore, you can follow the tips mentioned in the above discussion. You will be able to reduce laziness and focus on completing your projects and assignments.