Here, you will find the compiled list and details on recycling and waste management courses which you can enroll in to equip you with various waste disposal and management methods.
What is Waste Management?
Waste management is the practice involving the proper disposal of waste created by humans to reduce their effect on human health and the environment in general.
Technological advancement began the production of wastes, vehicles and other machines were invented that emit smoke and other carbon emissions that affect humans and the environment. There’s also the issue of plastics that takes hundreds of years to decay-causing littering of the land and water bodies posing serious issues to the environment.
Machines and plastics are still being created, in fact, every day, and the negative impact is still on the rise. These productions cannot be stopped because of their use case to humans but the wastes are still on the rise and how could this be out under control?
Waste Management!
That is it. Waste management reduces the number of wastes that are being produced and disposed of, manages these wastes effectively, and reduces their impact on the environment.
Waste management isn’t just the use of recycle bags to pack rubbish, there are various methods of waste management some of which you may already know:
- Incineration
- Recycling
- Composting
- Landfills
- Pyrolysis
- Gasification
- Minimizing wastes
These are the methods of waste management or waste disposal methods, these methods are practiced to reduce the waste produce by humans and its effect on health and the environment as a whole.
The purpose of this article is to direct you to places, mainly websites, where you can gain practical skills and knowledge on recycling and waste management courses and get certified too. With your skills and knowledge, you can be able to work with a waste management firm, establish yours thereby creating jobs, or organize a campaign awareness on managing wastes efficiently.
While learning the recycling and waste management courses, you could gain inspiration to develop another means of disposing of waste. Newer, better inventions and methods of waste management are a huge deal in today’s world to keep curbing wastes and its effect.
How Profitable is Waste Management?
Waste management is gradually becoming a booming business and in the coming years should become a big boom. It is currently a billion-dollar industry and many top companies like Nike are adopting it, they use recycling machines to recycle plastics and make newer durable shoes.
This is just a new beginning or phase for the recycling and waste management/disposal business and if you do want to start one you need to learn about it first to gain the necessary skills and knowledge. Enrolling in the recycling and waste management courses listed in this article is a great way to start.
These recycling and waste management courses will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to kick start a career in the field and establish a successful startup.
What is the Relationship Between Recycling and Waste Management?
While waste management is the general practice or process of disposing waste from its moment of creation to when it is disposed of, recycling is one of these processes involved in waste management or waste disposal.
Recycling is one of the methods of waste management, and the best, that involves processing old, disposed materials into a new, fresh product. The importance of this is that fresh raw materials aren’t used but saved up while trash material is used to make the same product that the fresh raw material would have made.
For instance, instead of cutting down trees to make new papers, old, used papers can be recycled and used to make fresh paper.
Waste management consists of various methods of disposing of waste such as incineration, landfills, recycling, etc.
Let’s get on to the recycling and waste management courses that will teach you hands-on skills on how these waste disposal methods work. These courses are offered by top universities and waste management and recycling firms from around the world.
Recycling and Waste Management Courses
Below are the compiled list followed by the details of 12 recycling and waste management courses we have put together:
- Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
- Waste Management and Critical Raw Materials
- Plastic Waste Management
- Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
- Solid Waste Management
- Electronic Waste Management – Issues and Challenges
- From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste
- Co-Creating Sustainable Cities
- Sustainable Integrated Waste Management Training
- Environmental Waste Management
- Understanding Water and Waste Management
- Basic Medical/Biomedical Waste Management Course
- Introduction to Zero-Waste Living
- Waste Heat Recovery
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
Solid wastes are the most common type of waste and can be found in many developing countries, and these countries do not have the proper resources to manage them. In this course, you will learn and understand the challenges these municipal solid waste pose to developing countries and also gain solid knowledge on correct and already applied solutions to manage these wastes.
The course, Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries, is one of the recycling and waste management courses provided online by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and offered online via Coursera. Since it is online, you can participate in the course wherever you are, anywhere in the world, you only need a PC or tablet and a stable internet connection.
Waste Management and Critical Raw Materials
The course, Waste Management, and Critical Raw Materials is one of the recycling and waste management courses provided by Delft University of Technology and offered online via edX.
In this course, students learn about the importance of waste management and how it saves critical raw materials. You will also gain practical knowledge of the circular economy, recycling, refurbishment, and remanufacturing as a means of identifying new business opportunities.
This is the course you should go for if you want to establish a business startup in waste management.
Plastic Waste Management
Plastic Waste Management is one of the recycling and waste management courses taught by the Indian Institute of Technology and if you are interested in taking this course, you don’t need to travel to India as it is offered online via Swayam.
The course focuses on plastic as pollution to the environment and the global problem it poses and the best way to manage and reduce its effectiveness.
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Hazardous waste poses as much a problem to the environment as solid wastes, they are mainly in form of chemicals and gases generated mainly by chemical production and other industrial activities. They pose a huge risk to human health, animal life, and the environment in general.
In this course, you will be introduced to the risks of solid and hazardous wastes and the effective ways they can be managed to reduce the risk they pose on the environment and life in general.
Solid Waste Management
This Solid waste management course tackles the most pressing issues of waste – solid waste, the most popular kind of waste – generated all over the world and filling garbage dumps daily. This course is provided by the World Bank Group and offered online via edX.
You will evaluate different technological options based on the financial, technical, and operational capacities of each technology and disposal method.
Electronic Waste Management – Issues and Challenges
This course is another of the recycling and waste management courses provided by the Indian Institute of Technology and NPTEL via Swayam. the course educates learners on the latest type of waste – e-waste or electronic waste – the issues and challenges they pose on human health and the environment.
E-waste is on the rise and needs to be curbed before it gets popular methods are being designed to properly dispose of it without harming the environment. Joining this course will offer you practical knowledge on how to effectively dispose of e-waste.
From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste
This is one of the recycling and management courses provided by the University of Reading and the EIT Food via FutureLearn. In this course, learners will discover the causes and effects of food waste and how to tackle the issue on a personal, community, and national level.
Co-Creating Sustainable Cities
This course is offered online via edX by the University of Delft and Wageningen University, teaching how technology and policy can save the environment from pollution and create sustainable earth to promote human life.
Sustainable Integrated Waste Management Training
This is a 3-day certified sustainable integrated waste management short course offered by Maximpact – an online learning platform – where you will gain skills and knowledge on the most advanced tools, techniques, and best practices on waste management.
You will learn how to assess local conditions and needs, identify waste problems and the specific solution for a specific waste, understand the main drivers steering solid waste policy development among others.
Environmental Waste Management
This course is offered online by Learndirect, an online learning platform, and offers this course to enlighten learners about waste and how it affects our environments. It also goes on to explore ways on how to effectively manage these wastes and keep the environment healthy.
You will learn all the types of wastes and the specific ways of properly disposing of them.
Understanding Water and Waste Management
This is one of the recycling and waste management courses from Udemy and it introduces students to the various technologies implemented in modern sustainable building projects around the world.
Enrolling in this course will equip you with an understanding of technology options for building design and techniques for water efficiency, water harvesting, and minimizing waste in the built environment
Basic Medical/Biomedical Waste Management Course
Many wastes come from medical and research institutes such as labs and hospitals which are harmful to human health, cause contamination to the soil, water, and organisms that live in them. Enrolling in this course will teach you the proper way of disposing of hospital wastes and how you can contribute to making these medical environments clean and safe.
Introduction to Zero-Waste Living
Humans are a product of the earth and just like every other organism has to go by daily and technology are one of the ways. However, these technologies have contributed to the creation of wastes and everyday humans generate one form of waste or another.
Fortunately, there are waste management practices designed to keep these wastes in check and reduce their effect on human health and the environment.
This course is one of the recycling and management courses from Udemy and teaches individuals how they can control the amount of waste they generate daily. The course offers simple practices and techniques to efficiently reduce waste.
Waste Heat Recovery
What is waste heat recovery and why is it necessary? What are the types of waste heat and how do you quantify waste heat? How does this relate to our environment?
This course answers all of the questions above and more, it introduces learners to waste heat recovery, the different methods to recover waste heat, and the limitations in waste heat recovery.
The course is another of the recycling and management courses from Udemy and will equip you with an understanding of the potentials of waste heat recovery.
These are the recycling and waste management courses and fortunately, all of them are online which gives you the advantage of enjoying flexible education. You don’t have to go through the stress and hassle of going to another country or classes for these courses you can participate in the right in the comfort of your home.
Additionally, some of the courses are free of charge but you will have to pay for the certification and you also get to study at your own time and fit all types of schedule.
These recycling and waste management courses will teach learners all about waste disposal and how to manage them thereby reducing their harmful effect on the environment.
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