5 Online Cosmetology Schools with Financial Aid

It’s an amazing thing that there are several online cosmetology schools with financial aid for students who find it difficult to afford their education. Today, we will be talking about these cosmetology schools, what financial aid is, as well as if FAFSA covers cosmetology schools. All you need to do now is to relax your mind, and follow us carefully as we provide you with every information needed.

You see, choosing to become a cosmetologist is a beautiful thing to do. It’s a lucrative business and it thrives almost anywhere you can think of. The employment rate of cosmetologists keeps on increasing yearly. In 2031, it is projected to increase by 11% which is much faster than average for all occupations, according to The US Bureau of Labor Statistics, and this is very encouraging to know.

As we all know, cosmetology schools or beauty schools train students on how to give beauty services for hair, skin, and nails. This training can be done totally offline/in-person or in a combination of online and in-person. No cosmetology school offers full online training, and there is a reason for this.

Generally, online cosmetology schools divide their training into two parts. First, is the theoretical part, which is the part that can be done totally online. Second, is the practical part. This part can’t be done online. It is the “in-person” part. It requires the trainee to be physically present at the school for hands-on training as you will be working with people and practicing, under supervision. There are several practicals to be done here, and an online venue isn’t the best location for this.

If you want to take your training through a hybrid format (a combination of online and in-person), you will have to use some online interactive tools in order to help you study without difficulties. Learning online will help you reduce costs as you won’t have to worry about transport fares & renting costs. Now, think of how much it will relieve you to study online with financial aid.

But first, what exactly does financial aid mean?

What is Financial Aid?

Financial aid is funding from educational institutions, private organizations, or the government to help make education affordable for students. It can come in form of scholarships, loans, work-study, or grants.

These funds help to lower the cost of education for students, helping them to acquire knowledge/skills without having to break the bank. Tens of thousands of graduates achieved their dreams of attending and graduating from higher institutions through financial aid.

Online cosmetology schools with financial aid are the best choice for students who have difficulties raising money for their schooling fees. There are several options available with these aids including installment payment plans to help students pay for their fees in small bits.

Does FAFSA Cover Cosmetology Schools?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid -FAFSA covers most accredited cosmetology schools.

Online Cosmetology Schools with Financial Aid

As we promised earlier, here is a list of top online cosmetology schools with financial aid that you can attend to make your dream of becoming a cosmetologist come true.

  • Stanley Community College
  • Empire Beauty Schools
  • Aveda Institute
  • International Career Institute
  • Elite Cosmetology School

1. Stanley Community College

Stanley Community College offers an Associate Degree in Applied Science in Cosmetology. You can study for a cosmetology certificate, cosmetology degree, cosmetology instructor certificate, manicuring instructor certificate, or a manicurist/nail technician program.

Their cosmetology program provides standard hands-on fundamentals and principles to become a licensed cosmetologist. If you want to apply for financial aid, head down to the “financial aid” page on the school site. They will provide you with tools to create an FSA ID for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

After creating your ID, you will be guided on how to apply for this aid, and you will be followed up after submission. But in case you have any questions or difficulty with the creation and application processes, do not hesitate to contact them through the contacts that were provided.

3. Empire Beauty Schools

Empire beauty school has been training students to become beauty artists for more than 80 years. They have 21 locations where train students. Their programs are designed to meet the ever-evolving needs of today’s salon professionals.

They offer several programs including cosmetology, esthetics, educator training, and nail technology, and their curriculum is designed to provide students with the skills needed to thrive in the beauty industry.

The school allows students to study with financial coverage and will help them to apply for Federal Student Aid. Just provide them with details of your full name, phone number, zip code, and email address. You will receive an email for follow-up in regard to registration and financial aid information.

3. Aveda Institute

Aveda Institute is a very large and well-known beauty school in the U.S. with over 60 different locations across the States. The school has produced thousands of sought-after graduates in the beauty industry and is still producing.

They offer three beauty programs – Cosmetology, Esthiology, and Massage Therapy. Their online-based cosmetology program teaches essential foundations of hair cutting, color, texture, makeup application, nail care, and important skills including business development, etc.

All Aveda Beauty Schools accept financial aid and will give you tips as well as guide you on how to apply for financial aid. You just have to choose your preferred Aveda Institute and follow their instructions.

4. International Career Institute

ICI is an online education provider. It currently offers over 50 exciting careers and lifestyle-focused courses. The beauty courses offered in ICI include hairdressing, and beauty therapy & makeup. You can choose whether you want to study for a Diploma or an Advanced Diploma

In terms of financial aid, it is not clearly stated that ICI accepts one, but the institution has a friendly payment plan (interest-free payment plans, and discounts on upfront payments).

5. Elite Cosmetology School

The cosmetology program at Elite Cosmetology School 1000 hours of in-class time provides students with theory, hands-on practical training, and technical instruction in beauty procedures and client relations. Students will gain experience in Shampooing, Cutting, Styling, Permanent weaving, Coloring, Manicure, and more. It is 50/50 hybrid distance learning and hands-on, in-person training.

The school allows you to study with financial aid and will guide you from the first step in applying for Title IV Federal Financial Aid, which is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the final

When you are close to graduating, they will connect you with employers.


Online cosmetology schools with financial aid have helped thousands of students successfully become cosmetologists without having to squeeze the life out of themselves trying to make ends meet.

If you really enjoy helping others look beautiful and you have a great passion for becoming a cosmetologist but “finance” poses to be a problem, don’t worry much! Accredited beauty schools with financial aid are available to help you. Just make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria for receiving federal, state, or private financial aid. Then you can follow the steps provided by the school to apply for it.

I hope you receive the aid you need and become what you desire to be. See you at the top.

What are the Things a Cosmetologist Should Know?

As a cosmetologist, you need to know these five things

  1. How to Manage Time: Time management is one of the characteristics of a good cosmetologist. When working with a client, you are expected to utilize your time effectively, and not stay on now work for several hours. It may result in the client becoming uncomfortable and getting angry with the delays.
  2. How to Handle Chemicals: Cosmetologists work in hand with chemicals, and they are required to carefully handle and apply chemicals on their clients to avoid harm or damage.
  3. Adjusting to Client Needs: When working on a client who asks that you make some adjustments, maybe the makeup is too shouty, or the eyebrows are not well lined. As a cosmetologist, you must respond to the client’s needs in a relaxed and calm way. In this way, you retain them.
  4. Be Creative
  5. Have Good Customer Service


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