During their studies, students complete various student papers: abstracts, tests, term papers, etc. To begin with, let’s consider the abstract: the concept and the rules of composition.
The concept of the abstract came from the Latin word “refero” – to report or report. This work is a summary of the material. The abstract is a written work of students in which certain aspects of a chosen topic are considered. The volume is within twenty pages.
This type of work is divided into two types:
- Reproductive – reproduce the content of the primary source in the form of an outline or summary;
- Productive – including critical reflection and creativity.
Such work outlines the main points and provisions of the topic. Students will demonstrate the ability to structure the text logically and to format it correctly.
The main requirement in the presentation of the topic is logical and consistent. The text is divided into paragraphs. But if the text is too long, then the paragraphs are also divided into subparagraphs.
In preparing the work consider and research sources of literature on the topic, to find answers. An easy way to find information – electronic resources. But it is not always possible to find what is required. So sometimes its necessary to use college paper help for these purposes. After the sources are summarized, express a personal opinion on the topic. This will help the teacher understand the author’s mastery of the topic. At the end of the work put the conclusions. These are not excerpts from textbooks and books and formulated their conclusions.
The concept and the rules of abstract
When completing an abstract, the student learns the skills of a correct scientific presentation of the material. These skills will help the student later in writing more complex research papers.
The text of the abstract should correspond and reveal the chosen topic. The reasoning is argued. In the work, the author expresses a personal opinion.
The structure of the abstract includes:
- Introduction;
- The main part;
- Conclusion;
- List of references.
It is also possible to add appendices. It is worth bearing in mind that the headings should reflect the content of the paragraphs. The introduction is required to specify: the relevance of the topic, highlight the main goal, define the objectives and identify the structure of the work. The volume of the introduction is one to two pages.
References are added to the list of sources used. The list should contain at least 5 sources. Appendices are added at will, they include tables, graphs, figures, tables, etc. Formatting ready work according to the methodological recommendations and requirements of the teacher.
Refer to the sources of information used. It is not recommended to write in the first person, it is worth adhering to the scientific style. Undoubtedly, when writing an abstract student not only gains new knowledge but also develops practical skills of analyzing information sources.
Types and characteristics of the abstract
During their studies, students perform many different assignments and papers. To the most frequent can be attributed abstracts. The abstract is a report on a chosen topic and contains information from sources and scientific literature. Types and characteristics of the abstract will be discussed below.
The content of the abstract should:
- Break down the material into chapters and paragraphs;
- outline aspects of the problem;
- use the material to the chosen topic;
- to group the ideas of different authors;
- form conclusions for the chapters and in the conclusion of the research;
- express a personal attitude and position.
The performance of the work begins with the choice of topic. Often teachers prepare a list of topics. First of all, when choosing, the personal interest of the student is taken into account. They also take into account the availability of information (availability of information). Then a research plan is made, and it should be taken into account that the sections should not repeat the formulation of the topic.
When writing an essay, sources of information are used, but preference is given to scientific literature.
Abstracts have the following types:
Abstract – outline – includes statements and argumentation from the primary source.
Abstract – summary – contains only the main points directly related to the chosen topic of work.
Abstract – review – in such an abstract different points of view on the topic of work is considered.
Performed to consolidate theoretical knowledge and demonstration of knowledge gained.
To write a good paper, it is necessary:
- formulate the topic correctly and find the necessary material;
- Select sources of information that reflect the essence of the topic;
- in the introduction justify the choice of topic;
- refer to the sources used;
- the presentation is logical and consistent;
- the used literature is not older than the last five years;
- the design of the work on the methodical recommendations or state standards.
Remember that the abstract in the first place you write not for the teacher, but yourself. The ability to correctly process information, structure, and systematize will come in handy in the future.