Top 6 IT Technological Areas to Learn this Year

In the era of the 21st Century, technology is growing at a rapid pace. And as the tech world continues to evolve, the demand for professionals with IT skills is increasing. However, remaining stagnant in this field can prove hazardous to an otherwise admirable profile. According to one report, the average life of a skill is five years. So within five years, your current skills will no longer be as valuable. 

The idea that one stops learning after they enter their profession is no longer relevant. Nowadays, recruiters need dynamic employees who have the skills to navigate a complex world. Furthermore, career advancements are common in the modern workforce. You do not have to commit to a single sector for the rest of your life. 

There is a skills gap within the IT sector. Executives are trying to fill this gap with recruits or by upskilling old employees. Upskilling is the answer if you want to climb your career ladder or enter another sector. It also keeps your resume fresh and makes you an attractive hire. Furthermore, according to one statistic, 54 percent of the workforce will need significant upskilling by 2024. So, there is only one way to get ahead of the movement. Work on updating your skills.

Ways to upskill your resume

Fortunately, upskilling is not the same as re-schooling. You don’t necessarily have to go back to school to learn more skills. It depends on what you want to achieve from your upskilling journey. For a more conventional approach, you can get a postgraduate degree like a masters in IT.

Those looking for a flexible option can sign up for online courses in their chosen subject. Alternatively, many people say that peer mentoring is another excellent way to improve their skills.

So, it is vital to update your skills for job security. You can take several options to do so. Some of the most in-demand skills of 2021 are related to technology. So, we have the top 6 skills that will increase your value as an employee in 2021. 


As the world becomes connected more, it also becomes more vulnerable to attacks. According to one estimate, the number of data breaches has increased by 50 percent in the past two years. And when these data breaches happen, they cost companies a significant amount of money.

Firms are already spending more than $6 trillion on cybersecurity. Therefore, it is no wonder that cybersecurity jobs are growing three times faster than other jobs. This skill will remain valuable in the future as well. 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning specialist was the number one emerging job in 2020. While this skill already received much attention in the past few years, AI will become an intrinsic part of the tech world this year. AI helps companies identify consumer behavior patterns and determine insights. It helps them make better decisions and improve the user experience.

The AI market will be worth $190 billion by 2025. It does not hurt that AI experts have the highest earning positions within the IT sector. Some machine learning engineers make more than $1,25,000 per year. According to some, this division will grow in the future. There will be 9 percent new jobs within the AI and Machine Learning sector by 2025.

Cloud Computing

Companies no longer use big servers to store their data. Nowadays, all the information is available on the cloud. And as more firms move to cloud solutions, the demand for professionals skilled in this area will rise. According to one research, the market for cloud services will grow by 35 percent in 2021. Companies are not only making the switch to the cloud.

Many are building their products directly in the cloud. So, the demand for cloud-native architectures will rise in the next few years. Because this is an emerging field, there is not much information about the pay structure. However, cloud architects may earn the equivalent of an IT executive. Therefore, specialists can earn up to $129,868 per annum.


Companies are diversifying blockchain technology. While initially this tech was limited to Bitcoin, that is no longer the case.

Blockchain is data you can only add information to, but you cannot change any previous locks. And since blockchains are consensus-driven, it is even safer to use. Companies are using blockchain to make peer-to-peer payments, store files and crowdfund.

The average salary of a Blockchain developer is $1,50,000 per annum. To enter this field, you must have hands-on experience in programming. You must also know the fundamentals of data structures, web app development, and OOPS.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

AR and VR are collectively known as Extended Reality. Both technologies work together to create an exceptional user experience. VR immerses users in a virtual environment, while AR enhances it. Originally this technology was only for gaming, but now it is used in several sectors.

This technology has potential in training, education, marketing, and even entertainment. Developers are already working on using EX to improve clinical trials of drugs. Some companies are using EX to offer customers an enhanced marketing experience.

The AR and VR market will grow to $209.2 billion by 2022. So, there will be ample opportunities for those interested in this field. Employees are looking for people with programming skills. There is limited expert knowledge required for an entry-level position within this sector. 

The Internet of Things

The IoT has been around for ages, but it is still a popular field within IT. There are many scopes since companies are building many new things with WiFi connectivity. The IoT enables devices and appliances to connect over the internet.

Consumers can use this tech to use their devices from anywhere. Businesses are already using this technology to improve the safety and efficiency of their devices. This technology is in its nascent stage. According to one estimate, there will be around 50 million IoT devices in use by 2030.

This industry will be worth $1.1 trillion in 2022. And with the advent of new technology such as 5G, the market will grow even more. Those who want to work in this field must know about Information security, AI, networking, and data analytics. 


As technology evolves and new trends emerge, employees will have to update their skill sets to survive in the IT industry. It is necessary to remember that technical skills are not the only ones relevant in the modern workforce. Recruiters are also focusing on soft skills to hire leaders who can motivate their teammates. So, try to improve your portfolio by working on your soft and technical skills.