The Tor Vergata University of Rome has launched the selection for the award of 20 scholarships, paid in a lump sum (gross of tax law withholding taxes) for foreign students with a high school diploma obtained in a foreign country.
The University of Rome Tor Vergata was established in 1982 and is, therefore, a relatively young University. It was designed on the model of Anglo-Saxon campuses: it stretches on 600 hectares and hosts important research institutions, such as National Research Council – CNR and the Italian Space Agency – ASI.
The mission of the University of Rome Tor Vergata is to contribute to people’s education and training, to scientific research and to the technological, organisational and social innovation needed to achieve a truly sustainable development in Italy, Europe and worldwide pursuant to the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations in September 2015.
20 Vergata Scholarships for International Students 2019
- Applications Deadline: Open for applications
- Course Level: Scholarships are available to study in a degree, master’s degree or a single cycle degree at Tor Vergata University.
- Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study any of the courses offered by the university.
- Scholarship Award: In order to promote and strengthen the internationalization process, the University of Rome Tor Vergata has launched the selection for the award of 20 scholarships, € 1.288,00 each, paid in a lump sum (gross of tax law withholding taxes) for foreign students with a high school diploma obtained in a foreign country.
- Nationality: Scholarships are available for foreign students.
- Number of Scholarships: 20 scholarships are available.
Eligible Countries: Scholarships are available for foreign students.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
The application is open exclusively to foreign students regularly enrolled in the academic year 2017/2018 (“in corso” students) in a degree, master’s degree or a single cycle degree at Tor Vergata University, according to the following requirements:
- Have a qualification for access to the University issued by a foreign higher education institution;
- Be enrolled within the regular duration of the study course;
- Have the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Index) not exceeding € 30,000.00. For the assessment of the threshold will be considered the ISEE-University valid as well as resulting in the personal area of online student services uniroma2. then successfully acquired within the computer database of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, presented for the calculation of university fees a.a. 2017/2018.
Cases of not eligibility
The following students are considered ineligible from the selection:
- Students who have received penalties due to false statements aimed to achieve benefits of right to education or a disciplinary penalty.
- Students who already benefited, during the 2017/2018 A.Y, of scholarships, contributions, loans supplied in accordance with the current regulation about the right to education, scholarships supplied by other agencies or students who benefited of university fees’ exemptions recognized by the University. If the applicant, after the assignment of the grant referred to this call, will be selected for another scholarship, must immediately communicate it to General Affairs Students Office “Ufficio Affari Generali Studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata”.
How to Apply: To accept the scholarship It is necessary to schedule an appointment by phone with the Student General Affairs Office, via Cracovia, 50 (building E, stanza 05) in order to deliver the following documents:
Copy of the fiscal code;
Valid identity document;
? Substitutive declaration of certification (here attached) duly completed, with the IBAN code of the current account held by the winning student (in case of a foreign account, please specify the SWITCH Code).