Study Abroad In Sweden
If you want to Study abroad in Sweden then it is of advantage that you’ve come across this article. Sweden is one of those countries that everyone knows is beautiful and peaceful, famous for its neutral position in so many world conflicts, Sweden is the origin of Pippi Longstocking, the Hives and classic Hollywood actresses such as Ingrid Bergman and Greta Garbo. Not to mention some of the most beautiful snow-covered landscapes.
Read the rest of this article to learn how a study abroad program in Sweden will expose you to a rich and creative culture, a strong education and a diverse, often stunning landscape.
Study Abroad Programs In Sweden
There are different study abroad programs in Sweden both online and offline and it is adviceable that every applicants research on which of these programs to go for to get the best out of his or her study stay in Sweden.
As an international student you should ensure you reseacrh on study abroad programs in Sweden before you conclude on which to apply for to ensure that the course of your choice is eligible for international students and is recognized worldwide.
Why Study Abroad In Sweden
If you study abroad in Sweden as an art or design student, you’ll quickly realize that the Swedes are on the cutting-edge of all types of design, including interior design, fashion and furniture; and that design is an important part of the country’s history, economy and culture.
Another staple of Swedish culture is its devotion to conserving the environment – good news for any student of environmental science. Take note, Sweden is full of amazing places for environmental students to explore:
- Sarek National Park is 780 square-miles of wilderness that you won’t want to miss, with its glaciers, wildlife and mountain ranges
- Get the chance to watch the phenomenon of land elevation currently at work at the High Coast World Heritage area
- Study the distinct flora at the Vadvetjakka National Park or the ancient pines in the virgin forest of Muddus
Even if you aren’t a student of science or the environment, you will be awestruck by the portion of Sweden that lies above the Arctic Circle, as it is where nature puts on the only natural laser-light show in the world. The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, can be seen in winter, while the ‘Midnight Sun’ period of the summer will give you between one or two months of nothing but glorious sunshine!
Universities in Sweden take a much different approach in teaching. They teach you to think critically like any other university. But it is the framework around this that is much different. You are also taught to think independently and creatively.
The difference that this makes is easy to see. Overall, Sweden’s system of education is ranked among the top systems in the world. Sweden is also home to several secondary schools that are individually ranked among the world’s best. These rankings are not from Sweden itself. They are conducted by independent international organizations.
There is a million plus reasons why you should study abroad in Sweden, It is just my duty to let you know that Sweden is a good country to study in as an international student.
Where To Study Abroad In Sweden
Sweden is among the world leaders in higher education and some of the country’s reputation is due to the independent studies system that involves less teacher-led time and more group and independent study. In other words, higher education in Sweden is based on self-development coupled with “freedom and responsibility”.
You can decide where to study abroad in sweden before you ever apply, there are different places you can study Swedend but as an international student who is yet to know about the environment of Sweden you should ensue to get into a place that will protect your interest.
How Much Does It Cost To Study Abroad In Sweden
You probably have to know how much it costs to study abroad in Sweden to help you make proper preparations.
Monthly living costs for students in Sweden are a bit above other European countries, meaning they would spend on average 860 – 970 EUR/month.
One of the most important expenses of students is accommodation. This is why 40% of the monthly students’ expenses is represented by accommodation.
- Students living alone: 508 EUR/month
- Students living with partner/children: 604 EUR/month
- Students living in residence halls: 479 EUR/month
Accommodation in residence halls may be a bit of an issue since only 28% of the students that annually enroll in a Swedish university find a place in the halls provided by universities. According to a recent European study, out of the total number of students who do find a room on-campus, 71% are satisfied with the conditions they find. This aspect also shows the good housing conditions, since the international satisfaction average is 60%.
When in Sweden, you will pay around 215 EUR for food monthly. This number depends on your eating habits, but you also have cheap options such as products from Lidl, Willy’s, or supermarkets from the city suburbs.
Eating in a Swedish restaurant will cost you on average 10 EUR; a three-course meal for two in an average restaurant cost around 65 EUR. A light drink in a bar with your colleagues around the country will cost you 6 EUR.
Transportation costs
In Sweden, public transport in highly appreciated among students as around 40% of them use it to get to their university and to locations in their city. Public transportation fares for students cost around 40-55 EUR/month.
You can also choose a bicycle for transport and pay for it around 110 EUR. Out of all the students in Sweden, 27% ride bicycles.
Extra costs
Books, research magazines, and other supplies: 80 EUR/month
Social activities: minimum of 70 EUR/month
Health insurance: rates start from 30 EUR/month
Ready to study in Sweden? Here’s some more helpful information like the best Scandinavian universities, applying for the Swedish student visa, or enrolling in a Swedish university.
Indeed the information above will help you a lot in making your prepration to study in Sweden.
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