Opting for any university for your graduate program or degree is definitely a life-changing decision. The utmost care and attention need to be put into this decision to make your university life a fruitful, fun, and refreshing learning experience. This can be ensured by looking at certain things that help you decide the best option.
Important things to consider
Before we delve into a list of things you must ponder and research upon before picking a university, it is also essential that you narrow down a list of the best universities for your career path. This can make it easy to find the best university for your needs.
For example, if you have a list of the best computer science universities in USA ready with you, you can easily pick out the one that suits your needs by keeping the following things in mind:
Extracurricular activities
You need to first decide if you love extracurriculars after classes. Most universities have such events regularly.
If you love sports and other fun activities that boost student interaction and make studying more lively, then make sure your chosen university offers that.
Keep in mind that many international students don’t have cars in the US, and thus may struggle to get to events and extracurriculars that are far away from where they live. In this case, look into carpooling or other transport services available on campus, as these activities are mostly held on campus after classes.
Scholarships & financial cost
You need to consider whether you will be seeking out a job while in school or just studying. Make sure to calculate all the expenses, including the tuition fees and living costs, to get a good estimate of the total amount you will need.
Scholarships can really help cut down the total cost, so make sure your chosen university offers some scholarships, especially if you are an international student.
It is important to research the facilities that the university offers. You need to check for food, clothes, gadgets, documentation, the availability of books, and a few basic amenities. You must also consider how you will pack up all of your items and take them to your new living space. It may be a good idea to consider which road you will take to get home before the school year even begins.
Knowing the location of the university and how far it is from your home is very important. This way, you can decide how to get to the university. Can you walk? Can you take a train? Will you have to drive? How much will transportation cost?
By knowing the university’s location and where you will live while you study, you can calculate the transportation costs. You can even book discounted tickets beforehand and cut down on expenses.
Knowing the location also helps determine how safe you will feel on campus. You can make sure the campus is at a safe site, the housing isn’t far away or cut off, and there are guards or surveillance systems to monitor suspicious activities.
You need to know how you can feed yourself. Check whether the university cafeteria and restaurants nearby offer food you like. This is essential if you follow a special diet. You can also learn to cook to be on the safe side.
Teachers & Faculty
Research the reputation of the teachers and faculty on campus, especially those you will interact with. Make sure they are welcoming, treat you like family, and give good lectures.
You can find out about teachers by getting in touch with alumni and asking them about their experiences. You can also find pages on social media where students recommend the teachers you should definitely take and those you should avoid.
Make sure you keep the tips mentioned above, and we are certain you will be able to pick the best university option for you!