15 Yale Free Online Courses For Students And Professionals

Yale offers free online courses for students and professionals and this article provides complete details on these courses and the skills you will gain when you complete the course.

Online courses have taken the place of regular schools due to the pandemic. All thanks to the internet and digital devices you can study online and be equipped with the same skills and knowledge that the regular institution will offer you.

These Yale free online courses are handled by professionals in the respective field of study. The courses are free to apply and learn, thus it does not require any form of payment all it requires is your time, devotion, an internet connection, and a device that will be comfortable for your learning; maybe a laptop, computer, or a smartphone.

Online learning has its advantages especially in these recent times of an ongoing global epidemic, it is important that you keep learning new things, continue to sharpen your skills, learn new ones, gain new or extra knowledge on different field of study, and since no gained knowledge is wasted it is definitely going to come in handy someday.

Yale is a prestigious university, globally renowned, has produced some of the greatest people, and has made major contributions to the world through its quality education which the institution has been providing since 1701.


About Yale University

Yale University is a private Ivy League research university located in New Haven, Connecticut, USA and it is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the US and, of course, ranked as one of the US and the globe’s top universities.

Yale University engages with individuals and institutions across the world in a quest to promote cultural understanding, improve human conditions, delve more deeply into the secrets of the universe and train the next generation of world leaders.

Since its establishment to date, Yale has been dedicated to expanding and sharing knowledge, inspiring innovation, and preserving cultural and scientific information for future generations.

However, the quest for expanding and sharing knowledge has still not diminished and the light of innovation still shines brightly till today, thus the free online courses which are open to everyone across the globe to apply and gain knowledge and skills of their choice.

Yale free online courses include lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses that are provided to the public for free through the internet. The courses span the full range of liberal arts disciplines, humanities, physical sciences, biological sciences, and social sciences well designed to fit every kind of learner.

We’ve earlier written on some of the best Canadian online courses and a number of free online courses with printable certificates open to students from all over the world.

Following the fact that students prefer online courses that are practical, we also wrote on some online computer courses with certificates that teach practical digital skills that students and professionals can take part in.

Without further ado, I will list these courses.

Yale Free Online Courses

  1. Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering
  2. Financial Markets
  3. Financial Theory
  4. Environmental Politics and Law
  5. European Civilization
  6. Introduction to Ancient Greek History
  7. Moral Foundations of Politics
  8. Fundamentals of Physics
  9. Introduction to Classical Music
  10. Foundation of Modern Social Theory
  11. Game Theory
  12. Introduction to Psychology
  13. Capital Punishment: Race, Poverty, and Disadvantage
  14. Introduction to Theory of Literature
  15. Freshman Organic Chemistry

After in-depth research, I came up with 15 Yale free online courses which are sure to pique your interest and for you to choose from.

1. Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering

This Yale free online course, Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering, covers the basic concepts of biomedical engineering and their connection with the spectrum of human activity. The course is designed for science and non-science majors and includes case studies of drugs and medical products, patent protection, and FDA approval.

Completing this course will open opportunities for you in the medical sector either public or private.

2. Financial Markets

The Yale free online course, Financial Markets, offers learners the understanding of finance theory and how it relates to history, the strengths and imperfections of an institution such as banking, securities, futures, insurance, and other derivatives markets, and the future of these institutions over the next century.

You will gain knowledge of how the finance market and its related institutions work and the history of the finance market.

3. Financial Theory

The Yale free online course, Financial Theory, attempts to explain the role and importance of the financial system in the global economy and also gives clarity on the kind of thinking and analysis done by hedge funds.

4. Environmental Politics and Law

This free online Yale course, Environmental Politics and Law, learners will review the structure of law and evaluate its merits and demerits. Law will be explored through case histories such as environmental effects of national security, consumer products, pesticides, urban growth and sprawl, land use, area management, public/private transit, food safety among others.

5. European Civilization

The Yale free course, European Civilization, provides an extensive survey of modern European history, from the end of the Thirty Years War to the aftermath of World War II. Other major historical events and figures will equally be considered during learning.

The course will give you an insight into American and European history, how some things came to be, and the general civilization of man.

6. Introduction to Ancient Greek History

The free Yale online course, Introduction to Ancient Greek History, explores the development of Greek civilization as manifested in political, intellectual, and creative achievements from the Bronze Age to the end of the classical period. Students will read original sources in translation as well as the works of modern scholars.

This course will give you a better understanding of the Greeks and their history and their impact on the world

7. Moral Foundations of Politics

When does the government deserve our allegiance? The Yale free online course, Moral Foundations of Politics, explores the main answers to the question also begins with a survey of major political theories of the Enlightenment through classical formulations, historical context, and contemporary debates relating to politics today.

You will understand the morals that politics were built on, its history, and the effect of these morals on politics.

8. Fundamentals of Physics

This Yale free online course for students and professionals, Fundamentals of Physics, provides a complete introduction to the principles and methods of physics. The course covers Newtonian mechanics, special relativity, thermodynamics and waves.

Learners will gain a full understanding of basic physics including problem-solving and quantitative reasoning.

9. Introduction to Classical Music

This free online course by Yale University, ushers learners into the world of classical music and the works of some notable artists whose contribution has made an impact in the art of classical music.

Learners gain knowledge of classical music, from Bach fugues to Mozart symphonies to Puccini operas, and know how to identify them.

10. Foundation of Modern Social Theory

This is one of the most popular online social theory online courses on the internet today. This course is offered online for free by Yale University and provides learners with an overview of major works of social thought from the beginning of the modern era through the 1920s. Attention is paid to social and intellectual contexts, conceptual frameworks and methods, and contributions to contemporary social analysis.

11. Game Theory

The Yale free online course for students and professionals, Game Theory, introduces the learner to what game theory is and strategic thinking. Ideas such as dominance, backward induction, Nash equilibrium, evolutionary stability, a commitment are applied to games played in class and examples drawn from politics, economics and the movies.

Learners gain strategic thinking ideas where and how to apply these ideas.

12. Introduction to Psychology

The Yale free online course for students and professionals, Introduction to Psychology, introduces learners to the fundamentals of psychology and answer basic psychological questions also provides a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behaviour.

Learners will gain an insight into the psychological aspect of dreams, hunger, love, decision-making, religion, art, lust, fiction, memory and how these factors affect the growth stage of individuals.

13. Capital Punishment: Race, Poverty and Disadvantage

The Yale free online course, Capital Punishment: Race, Poverty and Disadvantage, explores issues of poverty and race in the criminal justice system, particularly with regard to the imposition of the death penalty.

Learners will gain knowledge on the right to counsel for people who cannot afford lawyers, racial discrimination, prosecutorial discretion, judicial independence and mental health issues.

14. Introduction to Theory of Literature

The Yale free online course, Introduction to Theory of Literature, is a survey of the main trends in twentieth-century literary theory and the lecture provides background for the readings and explicates them where appropriate.

You will learn what literature is, how to understand it and what is its purpose.

15. Freshman Organic Chemistry 1

This course offered online for free by Yale University focuses on current theories of structure and mechanism in organic chemistry, their historical development and their basis in experimental observation.

You will gain the necessary intellectual skills for creative research and develop taste for original science.

There you have the full list, with complete details, on the 15 Yale free online courses for students and professionals which is necessary to expand your knowledge.

Conclusion on Yale Free Online Courses

Yale free online courses are well designed and have a friendly user interface for anyone, even a first-timer, to easily understand the concept and it has other features set up for the learning process such as downloading, sharing, and remixing courses materials.

Most of the courses are offered openly on youtube and they are compiled together using a youtube playlist to make all courses in the section easily accessible in a place.

Some of the courses are offered on the Coursera platform which is featured as one of the best online learning platforms in the global world today.

Paraventure you didn’t find any course of interest on this list of free online courses by Yale, you can check out about 50 different free online courses by Harvard University covering several fields of study.

There are also about 22 different free and paid online courses by the University of Toronto in Canada that we have listed out with their application links that you can look through too.

For these Yale online courses, each course includes a complete set of class lectures produced in high-quality videos accompanied by such other materials as syllabi, suggested readings and problem sets. The lectures are available to download as video and also have an audio-only version.